Tips for Handling a Last-Minute Move Like a Pro

Moving houses is always stressful, but when that move is last-minute, panic can start to kick in. With so many checklist items to cross off and so little time, it's important to stay calm and figure out how to make the most of your small window before moving day.

Capital City Transfer has been helping folks in the Madison area move houses for over 45 years now, so we know all the ins and outs of the process, and common roadblocks people are bound to run into. We've provided last-minute residential relocation services to customers more times than we can count and have put together some of our best tips for anyone finding themselves in this scenario!

Make a Plan of Attack

First, take a deep breath and make a plan. Scrambling around trying to do everything at once will result in a bigger mess than you began with, and more than likely leave a few things forgotten. Making a checklist of all the things that need to be done will help you organize your thoughts, figure out what you need to prioritize, and get a game plan together.

Downsize Before Packing

Before you begin boxing up belongings, go through your home and make a pile of things you don't need or want anymore. Every move leaves homeowners realizing they have more belongings than they need to bring with to their new house, and downsizing can considerably cut down on the amount of packing you'll have to do later. There are many things you can do last-minute with items you don't need or want to pack, including:

  • Donate Items to a Local Secondhand Store
  • Leave "Free" Boxes Outside
  • Consider Renting a Storage Unit

Capital City Transfer has storage units available for any homeowner who has other things to worry about besides what to do with an access of household items. If your move is last-minute, chances are you might not know what to do with things like a motorcycle or piano. Rent one of our short- or long-term storage units so you can focus on your move!

Clever Corner-Cutting Ideas

There are several corners to cut when you're in the middle of a last-minute relocation that will both save you space in your boxes and cut down on the time you spend packing! Consider some of these ideas:

  • Use Linens as Padding for Fragile Items
  • Keep Clothes on Hangers and Pack Together
  • Pack Drawers with Contents Still Inside
  • Use Suitcases and Bags as Packing Boxes

Label, Label, Label!

When packing up an entire household in a rush, it's important to label things! Chances are you won't remember what you put into which box because you had so many things going on at once, so writing a brief description on each box will help you in the long run. 

There are other important things to label besides the boxes themselves. For instance, keep all cords to different items bundled and labeled, so later on you can tell which belong to the TV and which are for the printer.

Don't Be Afraid to Hire Some Help

Lastly, don't be afraid to hire professional help if you have problems and emergencies arising right before moving houses. Capital City Transfer has the experience, resources, and processes that'll streamline even a last-minute relocation. We assign a logistics coordinator to each move we conduct to make sure communication is clear and to unburden our customers as much as possible. 

Whether you're in a hurry because of a military reassignment, new job, or something else, Capital City Transfer has experience working swiftly and efficiently to still get you into your new house by your deadline. We provide extensive moving and storage services for any situation, including:

Call us today to get a free estimate for your relocation and hear about all our options to make the process as easy as possible for you!